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Health/ Travel/ Veganism

Overcoming Africa’s Flesh Fetish: How A Vegan Diet Saved My Peace Corps Service

By Just a Pack contributor Amy Benson ​I’d read before coming that meat was a big deal, had steeled myself for potential hunger, awkward encounters, wider hips. Had attempted to comfort my previously ​​pescatarian, juice-obsessed self with the idea that it would be fresh, free roaming, grass fed – that the African version of myself, steeped in pink sunsets and newly barefoot, wouldn’t mind. ​Botswana exports only two things to…

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Animal Rights/ Celebrity Interviews/ Cooking/ Dining/ Events/ General/ Health/ Recipes/ Restaurants/ Travel/ Veganism/ Video

Watch: Robin Quivers, Vegan Radio Personality, Interviewed At DC Veg Fest

Robin Quivers Interview

At Washington DC’s annual DC Veg Fest on September 20, 2014 the Cows met up with radio personality, author and actress Robin Quivers. Ms. Quivers has been vegan since 2007. She uses HappyCow to find vegan restaurants when she travels. In her new book, The Vegucation of Robin: How Real Food Saved My Life, Ms. Quivers provides us with 90 delicious vegan recipes, and describes how she vastly improved her…

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Cooking/ Health/ Juicing/ Recipes/ Veganism

Super-Souper EASY Veggie Stock

easy veggie stock recipe

Many of the savory recipes in my cookbook call for the addition of veggie stock. Vegetable stock or broth adds another level of depth and flavor to just about any dish. Not all purchased broths are the same…they vary widely in quality and flavor. I am really picky about how my dishes taste, and my favorite so far is Organic Better than Bouillon Vegetable Base.  So a few days ago, I…

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Cooking/ Health/ Recipes

Easy Chocolate Vegan Truffles (Gluten-Free, Sugar-Free)

Hands up who loves simple, quick recipes that not only taste divine, but are made with very few ingredients? Me! I’d love to share one of my timeless favourites; a recipe that I have tried and tested in many different shapes and forms for the best part of 15 years (how time flies when you are having fun in the kitchen!). Not only is it absolutely delicious, it requires no…

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Animal Companions/ General/ Health/ Travel

Tips For Staying In Shape While On The Road

exercising on the road

As a nationally ranked athlete, it’s very important that I stay in shape at all times…even on vacation. That can be hard, because like most people, the point of a vacation is to do something different and get away from your everyday routine. But as long as you budget some time into your vacation for workouts, you’ll still have plenty of time to enjoy other things and not get out…

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Cooking/ Health/ Recipes

Creamy Vegan Cauliflower Coconut Sauce

When most people think of creamy sauces, they usually imagine dairy milk, yoghurt or cream as an essential ingredient for a lip-lickin’, smooth buttery result. Seldom do people imagine… erm, cauliflower! Having eaten a plant-based diet for the best part of 20 years, I’ve developed a real passion for finding out what new dishes I can whip of from the most random vegetables. It turns out that cauliflower, especially when…

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Health/ Veganism/ Video

Top 3 Myths Vegans Have About Nutrition: Dr. Michael Greger

Top 3 Myths Vegans Have About Nutrition: Dr. Michael Greger

Vegan = healthy, right? Not necessarily (think: diet of vegan fried food and beer). Many people think that switching to a vegan diet will automatically make them healthier, but physician/author/lecturer Dr. Michael Greger shares why this isn’t always true, and what you can do to make sure you ARE getting the nutrition you need!…

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Health/ Humor

Checkout This Vegan

cross contamination grocery store vegan

While checking out at the grocery store, many vegans are starting to get grossed out about placing their groceries on the checkout counter belt. Notice how dirty the belt (that we place our groceries on) is at both the normal checkout and self-checkout? Some vegans might not care, but this was a topic of discussion in a Facebook group that got over 300 likes and a zillion comments, with some helpful…

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Health/ Nutrition/ Vegan Parenting/ Veganism

Plant-Based Pregnancy: One Trimester Down, Two To Go!

Plant-Based Pregnancy: One Trimester Down, Two To Go!

Earlier this year, we made a move from Austin, Texas to Houston, Texas in search of better career opportunities and to finally begin a new journey—expanding our family from two to three. I’ve been eating plant-based for more than two and half years by now, and when I began to think about creating a new life, I immediately looked at my diet. I knew the basics of eating plant-based and…

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Cooking/ Health/ Recipes

Roasted Red Pepper Hummus – Delicious Vegan Dip

Roasted red pepper hummus by Trinity

Hummus is a delicious plant-based dip that first emerged from the middle east. With growing awareness of health and wellness it has rapidly gained popularity in other parts of the world too, (especially in our house!). In addition to regular hummus ingredients, my variation of the traditional version, brings in the tantalising sweetness of roasted sweet pepper. It gives an awesome combination of beneficial nutrients too… Sesame seeds (pureed –…

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Cooking/ Health/ Recipes

Vegan Ironman And Spicy Noodle Salad Recipe

Vegan Ironman And Spicy Noodle Salad Recipe

Next month I will be an Ironman, although my body will no doubt feel like an overcooked noodle. And I’ll do it as a vegan. Something I was told was impossible. Those people apparently don’t know me very well because the gauntlet was dropped and it was game-on. I’ll show them. In reality, it just takes a bit of research and planning ahead. Something vegans are accustomed to doing. Goodness,…

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Health/ Recipes

Guacamole – A Perfect Healthy Vegan Snack

Guacamole is thought to have originated in Aztec, Mexico, evolving from whatever was available locally. Most people I know adore the rich, fatty, creaminess of avocado and feel delighted to see it show up at meal times. Avocados are laden with health benefits, so it is no wonder that they rank at the top of every discerning health seekers menu. I’ve written a whole article about the health benefits of…

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Cooking/ Dining/ Health/ Nutrition/ Veganism

What Is Vegan Food?

what is vegan food

To some folks, vegan food is a mystery. But it really isn’t! vegan food is everything that you have always eaten. Vegan food has always been your food, minus the animals. Fruit, vegetables, grains, rice, pasta, potatoes, nuts, beans, a lot of dark chocolate and many breads are all vegan food. Let’s dispel some myths about vegan food: 1. What Is “Vegan Food”? Technically, vegan food is no meat/flesh, no…

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