• Kodawariya

  • (1)
  • Health-food-store Health Store

Organic and natural food grocery store chain. Stocks low-pesticide and organic fresh fruits and vegetables and other items like condiments, packaged foods, rice milk, mock meats, breads, and dried noodles as well as natural personal and household cleaning products.

Venue map for Kodawariya
© OpenStreetMap contributors

1 Review

First Review by Vegeiko


Points +3172

30 Jul 2020

Small shop for an organic, natural conscious people !

It’s on the narrow street near the gas station. Of you are a vegan please show this to the staff ↓ 私はビーガンです。お肉、お魚、卵、乳製品が入っていない商品はどれか教えて下さい。at the purchase counter, they might ask you if you are a member, but you can still buy at the same price if you are not a member!

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