
Laid back vegan restaurant with a Bavarian tavern atmosphere est. Dec 2013. Serves Bavarian comfort food like kaiserschmarrn, schnitzel, and mushroom ragout. Also has burgers, salads, and a range of desserts. Note: Advance bookings recommended, because the restaurant gets very busy at peak dinner times. Open Mon-Fri 17:00-23:30, Sat 12:00-23:30, Sun 17:00-23:30.

Venue map for Bodhi
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342 Reviews

First Review by SandraSchwobi


Points +320

25 Jul 2024

Lovely local cuisine

We try to sample the local cuisine when in a new place, which has become a bit more difficult as a vegan but fortunately, Bodhi had our back. The main dishes were flavorful and not too heavy but I was most excited about my first Germknödel and Kaiserschmarrn in years!


Points +112

12 Jul 2024

Vegan bavarian food

Offers vegan versions of traditional bavarian dishes. Over the years I tried nearly the whole menu and everything tastes amazing. Recommend if you are looking for comfort food or miss the non-vegan traditional kitchen!


Points +1672

10 Jul 2024

Really good traditional Bavarian food

Bodhi is one of my go to restaurants when I’m in Munich. All the food I’ve ever tried is really good.


Points +152

09 Jul 2024

Really good

Fully vegan restaurant, super nice staff. Has outside sitting and the food was tasty. Portions were just a bit small for the price

Pros: good tasty food, 100% vegan

Cons: small portions, a bit on the pricey side


Points +79

07 Jul 2024

Recommended by vegans

The atmosphere is just perfect, the quality and flavor are present in every bite. A MUST for a vegan looking for a taste of Bavaria

Pros: Flavor , Dish presentation , Quality of ingredients


Points +67

01 Jul 2024

Super lecker

Hatten einen Burger und die Ente. Nach all den Jahren ohne Fleisch, war es schön mal wieder den Geschmack einer (vermeintlich) authentischen Ente im Mund zu haben. Die "Entenhaut" ist super!

Pros: Gute Stimmung, Lustige Flyer, Personal war freundlich


Points +338

29 Jun 2024

Very good

I had the duck with dumpling and Blaukraut and it was so tasty, the 'duck' did not really taste like one, but it was crispy and had a really savoury flavor.

Pros: Service, Taste

Cons: Price


Points +634

14 Jun 2024

Wow!! Cute little Bavarian tavern!

So cute. Very nice and friendly. Got mac and cheese with crispy onions and “duck” with beer sauce, apple red cabbage, and a potato dumpling ball. The duck was absolutely incredible!!! We got the kaiserschmarm (pancake) for dessert with apple sauce, rum raisins, and almonds which I also highly recommend!!

Pros: Amazing food, traditional dishes , Great service! , Great atmosphere.


Points +364

11 Jun 2024

Nice restaurant

All vegan, Bavarian food. Friendly staff but sitting quite close to the next tables. Really loud ambience and not so perfect to talk to together because it's noisy. But kinda like in a bavarian Wirtshaus

Pros: All vegan bavarian menu

Cons: Pricey, Not so perfect to have a chat/talk


Points +323

30 May 2024

Great bavarian vegan dishes

They offer the typical bavarian dishes and all vegan. Their Gyros is gluten-free.
Great place, resetvation needed.

Pros: All vegan, Gf options


Points +244

29 May 2024

Vegan Bavarian Food

Came here on our last night in Munich! Loved the schnitzel, potato salad, wings
Wish we could come back again and try the rest of the menu!


Points +91

28 May 2024


I LOVED the food! I went 2 days after my first visit because it had to show it to my boyfriend. The feeling and the food is just awesome! I had the bodhi pfanderl on my first visit, then I tried the Enten braten. I will come back in a few days!!!!


Points +487

27 May 2024

Delicious Food

I am not familiar with Bavarian food but it seems that this was a good intro to that cuisine. We ordered the mushroom ragout and pfanderl, and both were exceptional. I would definitely eat here again. We also had the onion rings for starters, but we wouldnt get them again. While they were really well executed and the bbq dipping sauce was amazing, we got 5 rings that were really small and the cost was €5. Also, if you are looking for a gluten free meal, the menu recommends french fries with a salad (really).


Points +102

27 May 2024


Great find, absolutely loved the food and it's in good portions! We turned up early on a Monday night so managed to slip in despite not booking. Would definitely recommend, and will be back if returning to the area

Pros: Delicious german food, Good atmosphere, Fast service

Cons: Not cheap


Points +91

25 May 2024

F**k me, that's good food.

Great service, great food, great beer! We had the obazda and chili cheeze nuggets to start, followed by the Schnitzel and Duck. All great plates with fantastic sides as well. Too full for dessert but I'm sure we'll be back😄Menu available in English and the staff speak English better than I can German

Having read BillySummer's review I defintely don't agree with them. As a vegan that eats and makes seitan regularly I thought the seitan I ate here was excellent (and my seitan is f**king amazing). No way anyone should be leaving with hunger from this restaurant!

Updated from previous review on 2024-05-25


Points +42

03 May 2024

Es wird auch nur mit Wasser gekocht, lange Wartezeit auch ohne volle Auslastung

Wir waren an einem Donnerstag Abend dort und hatten für 2 reserviert. Das Restaurant war circa halb voll und wir warteten 5 Minuten an der Tür bis wir unseren Sitzplatz bekamen, da dieser noch gewischt werden musste. Wir wurden an einen kleinen Tisch gesetzt und bestellten rasch Getränke, Hauptgang und Dessert. Getränke und Haupgang kam nach Bestellung in 5 Minuten.

Keesespatzn: Die Käsespätzle sind waren handgemacht aber die Käsesauce hat nicht komplett überzeugt. Sie schmeckte wie eine Mischung aus Simply-V und einem Bergkäse. Konsistenz der Sauce war wie von Simply V, keine Fäden aber sich nicht mehlig. Die Bergkäsenote ist das einzige besondere an dem Gericht. Dazu habe es einen sehr leckeren , frischen gemischten Salat mit süßer Vinaigrette und Microgreens.

Ente: Der Rotkohl, der Kartoffelknödel und die Dunkelbiersauce waren hervorragend. Beim Seitan der Ente hat man jedoch die Gemüsebrühe noch deutlich rausgeschmeckt. Wer schonmal selber Seitan gemacht hat und diesen dann frittiert wird von der viel gelobten Kruste auch nicht vom Hocker gehauen.
Wie gesagt, Ich meckere hier auf hohem Niveau - die Hauptgänge sind gut, aber auch hier wird nur mit Wasser gekocht.

Der Hauptgang wurde zügig abgeräumt die leeren Getränke jedoch nicht. Diese standen auch bis Ende des Essens auf dem zu kleinen Tisch. Die Kellnerin fragte, ob sie den Dessert schon bringen sollte, was wir bejahten.

Leider warteten wir dann eine Stunde auf das Dessert, was laut den Google Rezensionen keine Seltenheit sein soll. Erst auf Nachfrage wurde der Kaiserschmarrn und der Germknödel gebracht, was die Laune schmälerte.

Germknödel: Dieser und die Vanille Sauce waren nicht vom Original zu unterscheiden. Leider war er nur Kosmetisch mit Mohn bestäubt, sodass der Geschmack definitiv fehlte.

Kaiserschmarrn: Dieser wurde mit leckerem, stückigem Apferkompott und Dosenmandarinen serviert. Er war fluffig und sehr stark karamellisiert. Für mich neu war der Haselnusskrokant der mit in den karamellisierten Zucker der Kruste gemischt war und auch auf dem Teller lag. interessant - aber für mich nicht klassisch.

Nach dem Essen konnten wir zügig zahlen und verließen das Restaurant nach dann doch einer Stunde essen und einer Stunde warten mit noch etwas Hunger.

Fazit: Wer als Veganer in der Regel auf Fleischersatzprodukte und Imitationen verzichtet wird hier sicherlich glücklich. Als Fleischesser oder Veganer der viel mit Seitan und co arbeitet wird eher enttäuscht.

Updated from previous review on 2024-05-03

Pros: Typisch bayrisches Ambiente, Gutes Essen, Leckere Getränke

Cons: Teuer, Überforderte Bedienung, Imitationenen nicht so gut wie der Ruf verspricht


Points +102

24 Apr 2024

Real Close

Seems popular and looks proper. Food is decent however offending stickers on the menu since I brought a family member. Host even turned menu right-side-up even though I turned it down. My Uncle is a holy man, so even though I'd love to make this a regular place, not sure I'd return with how offended I ended with this once in a lifetime opportunity. We should be trying to convert non-vegans, not offend them away.


Points +72

19 Apr 2024

Zarteste Seitan Ente überhaupt

Waren jetzt zwei Tage hintereinander da, weil auch meine nicht vegane Freundin das Essen so gut fand. Blumenkohl Buffalo Wings, Seitan Ente, Schnitzel, Kaiserschmarrn, alles 10/10. Das Restaurant ist auch sehr gemütlich, und die Kellner waren sehr nett.

Pros: Super Seitan Qualität , Das Essen kommt sehr schnell, Nette Kellner


Points +106

09 Apr 2024

Busy spot with super friendly staff

I really enjoyed Bodhi - the staff were super friendly and helpful. It was super busy so we were lucky to get a table! I particularly enjoy trying veganized versions of traditional dishes and Bodhi had a lot of options. I tried the Buffalo Wings for starter and then for main it had to be the Pfanderl. The main was really good but very filling! No room for dessert after that. My friend had the Germknödel (of which I had a few mouthfuls) - we both enjoyed the plum filling the most of that dessert. It was lovely to try some traditional dishes which were made vegan!


Points +849

20 Mar 2024

Immer eine Reise wert

Komme eigentlich aus NRW, muss allerdings bei jedem Besuch in München einmal vorbeikommen.

Super leckeres Essen im Brauhaus Atmosphäre mit rustikalem Stil und linker Ideologie.

Liebs ❤️


Points +42

08 Mar 2024

Super nice and super delicious

Very good began Bavarian food in typical Bavarian environment.


Points +183

27 Feb 2024

My favorite restaurant in Munich

What I loved about the restaurant the most, apart from food, of course was how unabashedly vegan they were! The waiter was soo helpful and I had such a great time. I’d love to go back whenever I’m in Munich.


Points +10252

24 Feb 2024

nice Brauhaus

fascinating that Bodhi gives you the vibes of an authentic and rustic Bavarian Brewery (Brauhaus) and at the same time is alternative with many hidden and many obvious animal rights and vegan messages on walls, boards and in frames.
This is amazing.
The kitchen offers traditional german dishes from the south, so rather heavy and hearty.
I enjoy these foods here and there but all in all the freshness and little extra in taste is missing (for me personally).
The heaviness (e.g. in salt and oil) predominates in taste.

Updated from previous review on 2019-07-15

Pros: Vibes - crowded, rustic, animal rights! , hearty, “meaty” vegan german foods

Cons: freshness, veg, details in taste missing


Points +238

21 Feb 2024

Love it!

Love it! Great bavarian classics


Points +466

10 Feb 2024

High prices for okay food

The food wasn't nearly as good as it's hyped up to be, and you're paying a pretty steep price for it.


Points +44

28 Jan 2024


The food was extremely good, even though the prices are a bit steep, it’s all worth it😄

Pros: Food (exceptional), Atmosphere, Staff

Cons: Price a bit too high


Points +2527

19 Jan 2024

Tolles Wirtshaus

Soooo lekka! Freundliche schnelle Bedienung, coole Musik, was will ich mehr in München. Möchte alle Gerichte einmal ausprobieren #Veganuary

Pros: Gute Musik, nicht zu laut, Gemütliche Wirtshausatmosphäre

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