Chia Fig Bites

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    Preheat the oven to 300Fahrenheit.
    Remove the pits from the dates and soak for at least 15 minutes. Soak figs in a separate bowl.
    While the dates are soaking, blend oats in a high speed blender or food processor until they reach a flour consistency. Place oat flour in a large bowl and set aside.
    Place almonds in the blender and pulse. Scrape down sides and blend until it is almost a flour consistency. Some small chunks are okay. Using a rubber spatula, remove from blender and place in the same bowl as the oats. (If using almond butter, mix with wet ingredients instead of dry)
    Stir in chai spices and mix until well combined.
    Blend the first 8 dates with 1/4 cup water and vanilla until smooth. Add to the bowl and mix until a dough texture is formed and everything is well mixed. Place in fridge while you prepare the filling.
    Add soaked figs, remaining dates, and 3 tablespoon of water to the blender. Blend until a thick paste forms. Place in a separate mixing bowl and stir in chia seeds.
    In a large baking tray with lipped edges, lay parchment paper down. Using the palm of your hands, place chunks of the crust onto the pan and flatten until it is about 1/2 centimeter thick. Fill pan. Cut the mixture down the middle (width wise). Spread the filling on half of the mixture and carefully put the half of the crust that doesn't have the filling on it over the other half. This should create a layer of crust, filling, and then crust.
    Place in the oven and bake for 15-20 minutes until crust is a little crunchy, but still soft. Allow to cool and cut into squares. Enjoy warm or cold.


    1 1/2 cup oats or oat flour
    1 1/2 cup raw almonds (or 1 cup almond butter)
    8 medjool dates
    1 tablespoon vanilla extract
    3/4 teaspoon chai spice mix
    1/4 cup water

    15 Turkish figs (unsulphured)
    5 medjool dates, soaked
    3 tablespoon water
    1 tablespoon chia seeds

    Serving Size

    15 - 20

    Prep Time

    40 minutes

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