Yoko Ono is a vegetarian artist and wife of Beatles John Lennon

Birthday: February 18, 1933
Birth Place: Tokyo, Japan

A Japanese artist and peace activist, known for her work in avant-garde art, music and filmmaking and for her 1969



Points +12

Posted on 17 Sep 2017

And let's not forget her famous refrigerated room, built specifically for her fur coats!

Avatar Matt .G.

Matt .G.

Points +9

Posted on 17 Aug 2009

Yoko Ono isn't a Vegetarian, she's a Pescetarian. She recently said on Twitter, !Make Tuna Sandwich & Eat".


Points +3635

Posted on 08 Jan 2008

I had read about the story how John Lennon first "met" Yoko Ono. Supposedly, it was in an art gallery in New York City where Yoko Ono, an artist then, had had her work on exhibit. One of her installations was an interactive sort of work where the viewer, at this point the curious John Lennon, had to climb up a step ladder. When Lennon reached the top, he saw a placard or a piece of paper that had the word, "YES," written on it. To John Lennon, this message impressed him hugely, probably because of the period of time in which this incident had occurred - 1960 or 1970s(?). After his experience with the art installation, Lennon knew he had wanted to meet the artist. That's how he hooked up with Yoko Ono. I thought that was quite interesting.

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