Woody Harrelson is a vegan actor

Birthday: July 23, 1961
Birth Place: Midland, Texas

Website: http://www.voiceyourself.com

An American actor.



Points +3635

Posted on 19 Oct 2009

Raw vegan Woody Harrelson is receiving a honoray doctorate for his sustainable ways.

Avatar Rusanna


Points +19

Posted on 10 Jun 2008

"Harrelson has come out with a collection of projects to help spread the word more directly. In 2001, he and his yoga- and raw food-fueled eco-posse embarked on a biodiesel and pedal-powered tour of the West Coast to promote sustainable living. In the process of biking 1,500 miles, Harrelson addressed several thousand people in towns and college campuses from Seattle to San Diego. "Go Further," the 2003 film that chronicles the experience, seems a little like the kind of self-indulgent road-trip video you'd expect from a bunch of hippies on a bus -- but with a bigger budget. Still, "How to Go Further," this year's book about the journey, is an engaging and practical introduction to the idea of sustainable living in today's world." Quote from article. Here's the link www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/gate/archive/2005/07/20/gree.DTL

Avatar darky_


Points +15

Posted on 05 Mar 2008

YAY GO Woody! :D

Avatar hempoil69


Points +15

Posted on 20 Jan 2008

vegan, activist, 420 friendly. Woody's one of the good guys.

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