Jackson Galaxy is a vegan TV Host

Birthday: April 28, 1966
Birth Place: New York, New York
VegSource: theawl.com/2013/05/cat-man-jackson-galaxy-on-famous-cats-dead-cats-and-being-a-cat-freak

Website: http://jacksongalaxy.com

Jackson Galaxy is a cat behaviorist, and host of the Animal Planet show My Cat From Hell.



Points +12

Posted on 11 Apr 2022

whomever says cats can *survive* on a vegan diet - perhaps, but barely. just for survival and not for that long and happy life for sure. to thrive, cats need meat - because cats are carnivores. cats are not even omnivores, like dogs or humans are.
if you think that a carnivore can be a vegan, you are severely misinformed, living in self denial because in a better scenario your ego is too big to admit that no, nature is not a giant happy pink kindergarten and wolves can't actually go happily eat grass together with sheeps (aka you've been so wrong, my fellow human), or in a slightly worse scenario, you're just not equipped with enough neurons to understand the matter. in the case of the latter, perhaps, putting yourself in a position that is actually beneficial to your body - a balanced diet which includes animal derived products (proven that it's easier for human bodies to absorb nutrients, vitamins, minerals from non-plant sources as we are omnivores by nature - i tried and can confirm, that living on meat alone is impossible, just like living on plants alone is for me also impossible - it's def not a good life, it makes me very ill, if your body is healthy enough and can take the abuse - i'm happy for you to be able to be smug about it now).


Points +22

Posted on 22 Sep 2020

I love Jackson, and good for him for not trying to make his cats vegan. Cats need meat. Yes, some do ok on a vegan diet, but one - why is it okay to push your lifestyle onto your cat when if you weren't vegan, you wouldn't be turning your cats vegan to begin with? Duh. It's rather hypocritical to cry about the welfare of animals, and yet take the risk of potentially killing your cats by making them vegan..and two, you have to plan very carefully to ensure they get everything they need on a vegan diet, and the boys don't fare so well. Besides, did your cats actually ask to be vegan? You don't see them munching on kale in the wild, so don't treat them like they're herbivores. It's just really irresponsible and selfish. I'm vegan and my cats will always eat meat because their biology prefers it. For the militant vegans, I guess I'm not vegan "enough". Too bad. It's not about perfection.. and if you want to nitpick, perhaps you should stop driving your car because cars aren't vegan?
I didn't think so.. 😅


Points +17

Posted on 14 Apr 2020

Okay, so humans thrive on a plant-based diet because we're designed for it. Cats, on the other hand, are not. I'm vegan and have two cats. I feed them vegan dry food and tried with vegan wet food. They ate all of it but later vomited all of it up, a damn shame. They've refused to try it ever since. I now give them a small piece of fish to split between the two once every evening. I hate doing it, but cats are obligate carnivores and eating kibble their whole life doesn't feel right. I'm not sure how much grain is okay for them to have. Anyone with info, please share.

Veganism is not about perfection. It is about minimizing suffering as much as possible and whenever possible.

Why did I choose fish? Not because their lives are any less valuable. Not because they're healthier. Quality of meat is not the question here. I choose fish because I don't want to contribute to slaughterhouses though fisheries aren't any better. My supermarket (Europe's a little more on their game than the US) say their fish is caught and not farmed. I am hoping that this minimizes inherent cruelty in feeding obligate carnivores. I am also crossing my fingers for a viable vegan wet food to come along that does the trick. I'll be on it in a flash.

So, there are vegans that feed their cats meat, albeit, not happily, but for them.


Points +15

Posted on 30 Sep 2018

Cats don't need to eat meat to survive, female cats can eat a 100% vegan diet and live a very healthy life, male cats can have more instances of UTIs however and if so will need at least 25%-50% meat added to their diets, however this is not always the case with male cats either simply a higher occurrence then on a non-vegan diet. Thousands of male cats have lived happy healthy lives on a vegan diet as well.
Things to remember -
Male cats should be tested (the test is fairly cheap) by a vet for their Ph balance which will be an indication if they are having any trouble. (I think it's once a year but do a little research and make sure yourself as I am not 100% positive myself as I write this)
Vegan food should contain synthetic 'taurine', most non-vegan cat foods contain a certain percentage of synthetic taurine already (most of it is synthetic as I recall) as animal based taurine gets washed out during processing anyways.
The wetter the better, this is true for non-vegan cats as well, be sure to feed your cat (especially males) wet food or add water to dry kibble (use warm water and make it a gravy) and be sure to have fresh water available always (a fountain is best as they tend to entice cats to drink more)


Points +12

Posted on 07 Aug 2017

@verbosity - Cats can't survive without eating meat, they have to. The packaged cat food is like McDonald's (processed and full of chemicals) - raw meat to a cat is like a human eating plant-based. If a vegan cat-owner didn't feed animal protein to their cat they would quickly have a dead cat...


Points +12093

Posted on 11 Apr 2016

Jackson Galaxy actively promotes feeding raw flesh to animals and constantly promotes the raw feeding site feline-nutrition.org to the degree of likely paid endorsement.
This is not something that a vegan would do, or even consider.

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