Alexandra Paul is a vegan actress

Birthday: July 29, 1963
Birth Place: New York, New York


Alexandra is the star of over 75 movies and television series. She is most well known for her 5 seasons as Lt Stephanie Holden on the tv series Baywatch. She was also featured in the documentary Who Killed the Electric Car?, as she has been driving EVs since 1990.
Alexandra is an environmental, peace & justice activist who has been arrested over 16 times for peaceful civil disobedience over issues such as nuclear weapons, gay rights and the destruction of electric cars. In 2003, she spent 5 days in jail for protesting the Iraq War.
Alexandra also speaks on the human overpopulation issue and is an athlete who has competed in the Hawaii Ironman Triathlon, the Boston Marathon and several long ocean swims. In 2014, she swam the 13.7 miles off Acapulco, Mexico in 7 hours 20 minutes. Alexandra has a twin sister, Caroline Paul, a successful writer, and a brother, Jonathan Paul. Jonathan spent 4 years in jail for his actions as a member of the underground Animal Liberation Front.



Points +3635

Posted on 06 Jan 2008

I live in Los Angeles, and I see many famous faces. Sometimes I know their names, other times I don't. Well, while walking on a busy intersection one day just a block from my then-house, I spotted Alexander Paul in an EV vehicle! At first, I didn't see her, I just saw the car and thought it was cool, so I waved. Well, she waved back, and then I recognized her. Very friendly woman I must say.

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