
An all-vegan Asian restaurant with a diverse menu which includes soups, starters, sushi, salads and desserts. Also offers in-house meals. Open Tue-Sun 11:30-23:00.

152 Reviews

First Review by grena


Points +3986

10 Oct 2024

Vegan Asian Fusion

> Great menu with quite a lot to choose from
> Quickly served
> Beautiful interior design
> Fusion kitchen with a different twist to the Asian cuisine e.g. the accompanying cocktailsauce or chicken wings
> Super friendly service
> Tasty and visually appealing food, but my expectations were not fully met
> Reservation highly recommended – even during the week it can get very busy


Points +128

26 Sep 2024

Fantastisches veganes Sushi

Das Sushi war wirklich lecker und sah auch fantastisch aus.


Points +58

22 Sep 2024

High-quality Asian cuisine

I ordered something to go and the food was ready within 10-15 minutes. I had Descendant of the Sun
(fresh passion fruit, lime, mint, passion fruit and mango juice €5.90) ​​as a drink, very fruity, super tasty. For dessert I had Mochi Lovers
(ice cream mochis with mango-passion fruit flavor €5.90), also super tasty. I wasn't so keen on the savory dishes, but it was okay, is also a matter of taste.

Everything looks very lovely. Someone has put some thought into it.

Updated from previous review on 2024-09-17

Pros: Lots of choice , even to take away, it looked very appealing, high quality, for that the price is ok

Cons: rather expensive, cash only


Points +4011

09 Sep 2024

Good food

Food: 4/5
Vegan options (variety): 5/5
Vegan labelling: 5/5
Value for money: 3/5
Portion size: 5/5
Atmosphere: 4/5
Service: 3/5
Location: 5/5
Reservation recommended: yes
Would I visit again? Yes
Visited: 9/2024


Points +104

08 Sep 2024

Soooooo lecker!!!!

Es war sooo gut, wahnsinnig lecker, kann ich nur von ❤️ empfehlen. Geht unbedingt da hin!

Pros: Nur vegane Gerichte , Frisch und superlecker, Superfreundliches, herzliches Personal


Points +948

01 Sep 2024


tasty and creative meals. not the cheapest but also not too expensive. if you feel like getting a few creative asian specialities, go for it :)


Points +90

23 Aug 2024

Bowl & Sushi

Ich hatte eine Bowl bestellt, die sehr schmackhaft war, und sechs Sushis mit Frischkäse und Avocado. Letzteres war äußerst lecker. Die Location war auch gemütlich und der Service war top. Preislich fand ich es absolut akzeptabel.

Pros: Sushi, Preis


Points +26

23 Aug 2024

Lieblings Restaurant

Wir lieben es hier und kommen immer wieder.

Pros: Essen, Service, Drink

Cons: Nur Barzahlung


Points +4333

18 Aug 2024

Everything perfect. Cash only.

Really excellent restaurant. Close to the “Neumarkt” metro. Cozy and chic inside. Excellent service and the waitress spoke good English. We ordered the "Buddha Bowl" and "Pagoda Bowl" dishes. We also ordered the "Asapura Roll" and "Rainbow Roll" as starters. The presentation of these last "suchis" was incredible. We also ordered the "Descendant of the Sun" juice, which was absolutely delicious. The only downside is that the only form of payment is cash, and it wasn't made clear when paying the bill whether we should tip or not. The experience was great, we really enjoyed it and we'll be back. A special place to celebrate!

Restaurante realmente excelente. Perto do metrô “Neumarkt”. Aconchegante e chique na parte de dentro. Excelente atendimento, e a atendente falava bem inglês. Pedimos os pratos “Buddha Bowl” e “Pagoda Bowl”. Também pedimos de entrada às opções “Asapura Roll” e “Rainbow Roll”. A apresentação destes últimos “suchis” foi incrível. Pedimos também o suco “Descendant of the Sun”, absolutamente gostoso. O único ponto negativo é que a única forma de pagamento em dinheiro, e não ficou claro na hora de pagar a conta se deveríamos dar ou não a gorjeta. A experiência foi ótima, gostamos bastante e voltamos. Lugar especial pra comemorar!

Sehr gutes Restaurant. In der Nähe der U-Bahnstation “Neumarkt”. Innen gemütlich und chic. Sehr gute Bedienung und die Kellnerin sprach gut Englisch. Wir bestellten die Gerichte "Buddha Bowl" und "Pagoda Bowl". Außerdem bestellten wir als Vorspeise "Asapura Roll" und "Rainbow Roll". Die Präsentation der letzteren "Suchis" war unglaublich. Wir bestellten auch den Saft "Descendant of the Sun", der absolut köstlich war. Der einzige Nachteil ist, dass man nur mit Bargeld bezahlen kann und beim Bezahlen der Rechnung nicht klar gesagt wird, ob man Trinkgeld geben soll oder nicht. Es war eine tolle Erfahrung, wir haben es sehr genossen und werden wiederkommen. Ein besonderer Ort zum Feiern!

Cons: Cash only


Points +122

29 Jul 2024


I got a gift card for Udum for my birthday and never went there before.
We should have booked in advance because it was really full and we had to wait 20-30 minutes to get in, but i completely understand why: the food was so good and the drinks were also very refreshing! Sadly its really expensive

Updated from previous review on 2023-03-02

Pros: good food

Cons: too expensive, too crowded


Points +253

20 Jul 2024

Loved it!

Lovely place with cozy and comfortable seating. We came here twice during our stay in Köln! Best thing is getting 2-3 small plates to share and try the sushi rolls as well! Super friendly and dedicated staff.


Points +83

09 Jul 2024

Richtig gut!!!

Es ist einfach immer wieder lecker! Meistens bestellen wir 6 der Vorspeisen und teilen alles zu zweit, damit man möglichst viel probieren kann. Und bisher hat alles sehr gut geschmeckt.

Pros: Auswahl , Geschmack , Freundlich

Cons: Reservierung klappt meistens nicht 😅


Points +32

28 Jun 2024

So delicious

Nice place, nice people, delicious meal. A lot of choices, not so expensive. If you like Asian vegan food, let's go there!

Pros: Lot of choices of food, Nice place, Delicious food

Cons: Only cash, Better to book a table at the evening, Want to eat everything!


Points +69

23 Jun 2024

Fantastic Sushi and Asian Tapas

The menu contains mostly asian tapas and sushi (between 6-8€). All items are a creative vegan approach that reaches from tofu over buns to drumsticks. They look stunning and are delicious. Most tapas contain 2 items (like drumsticks or pancakes….) can be easily shared.

The restaurant looks very modern and chic and the staff is very friendly. .

Pros: Creative asian tapas, Stunning sishi

Cons: Sometimes its really hard to get a table without r


Points +167

16 Jun 2024


Very tasty and stylish food. I really liked the Sushi. Good atmosphere. I’ve been there with an Omni friend and she liked it too! Staff was super friendly and organized. I’ll be back!!!

Pros: Good service, Friendly stuff , Good prices


Points +407

04 Jun 2024


Toller Service, große Auswahl und gute Qualität. Ebenfalls ein schönes Ambiente.


04 Jun 2024

Im Udum waren wir auch schon einmal und konnten uns bei der Auswahl nur schwer entscheiden 😃


Points +26

27 Apr 2024


An sich war es gut, aber einige Gerichte waren etwas underwhelmimg.

Die Brühe der Wantan Suppe war sehr gut!
Allerdings war die Entscheidung, frittierte Wantans in der Suppe zu haben zu viel des Guten. Sie werden lediglich matschig und man vermisst die gewöhnlichen zarten Suppen-Wantans (die Haut der frittieren Wantans wird mehlig in der Suppe).

Die Sommerrollen waren winzig und trocken. Die Soße dazu war okay, hat das ganze aber nicht gerettet.

Die Soja "Hähnchenkeulen" waren nicht schlecht, aber haben nicht nach besonders viel geschmeckt. Es war hauptsächlich spannend, dass so etwas angeboten wird. Nice to have, aber würde ich nicht nochmal bestellen.

Zuletzt hatten wir noch Tofu in einer knusprigen Panade bestellt- die Panade war gut knusprig, aber leider null gewürzt bzw. nicht einmal gesalzen. Der Tofu an sich auch nicht. Die Himbeersoße konnte das dann leider auch nicht mehr retten.

Der vietnamesische Eiskaffee war mir persönlich zu süß, aber das ist Geschmackssache. Ich war ehrlich gesagt hauptsächlich froh, mal einen veganen zu trinken.

Alles in allem war das Ambiente sehr schön, sowie die Anrichtung des Essens. Die Kellner*innen waren ebenfalls sehr aufmerksam.
Wenn man ein schönes Esserlebnis haben will, ist das sicherlich ein guter Ort, und ich würde nochmal kommen um andere Gerichte zu probieren.
Mit 3 Tapas und Getränk war ich bei 23€ und aufjedenfall gesättigt.

Pros: Ambiente, Anrichtung , Wantan Suppe

Cons: Teilweise trocken und nicht genug gewürzt, Teuere Portionen


Points +40

27 Apr 2024

Model Restaurant for Vegan Cuisine

The food was fresh and super tasty! I've never eaten such good vegan prawns! The service was also friendly and attentive.

If you ever want to convince someone that vegan cuisine consists of more than grains and salad, come here. Udum is a model restaurant for vegan cuisine!

I'm looking forward to my next visit!

Pros: Great food that reaches your table quickly, Rich in Variety, Nice Interior

Richard Ross

Points +994

23 Apr 2024

Excellent restaurant

Really good food. Imaginative menu and tasty, well prepared dishes. Friendly atmosphere

Pros: Good choice of food., Dishes with a variety of textures and flavours., Helpful staff

Cons: Doesn't take payment cards


Points +122

21 Apr 2024

Absolutely delicious!!

So delicious! Friendly staff and nice atmosphere. Can't wait to come back to try more things from the menu - such a big choice!

Pros: Big choice, Friendly staff, Moooost delicious food


Points +18

16 Apr 2024

Best Asian Restaurant in Germany

So far after visiting Germany for the past 7 weeks nothing has surpassed the taste and value of Udum. Staff are nice, food is amazing and the menu has everything you could ever feel like.

When ordering, I was told the portion of items I ordered are enough and wouldn't need the side I was wanting, and they were right.
Really thoughtful of the staff member.

Updated from previous review on 2024-04-16

Pros: Taste, Value, Choices

Cons: None


Points +190

11 Apr 2024

Favourite Asian restaurant in Köln

I love this place so much. I cannot count anymore how often I ate there. They have everything: A lot of starters, soups, bowls and delicious sushi. And of course they have super nice drinks. I would totally recommend this place especially because of the super friendly staff! Five stars!

Pros: Delicious food , Super friendly staff, Nice atmosphere


Points +122

08 Apr 2024

Einmal rollen, bitte!

Spontan sind wir gestern bei Udum gelandet - und das war eine absolut lohnenswerte Wahl! Die Auswahl der (vietnamesisch/asiatisch) der Tapas ist extrem vielfältig. Die Auswahl viel fiel nicht so leicht - aber alle acht, die wir probiert haben, waren wirklich lecker.
Service war auch gut und flott, definitiv einen Besuch wert. Aber Achtung, nur Barzahlung.

Pros: Auswahl des Essens, Geschmack

Cons: Nur Barzahlung


Points +1002

07 Apr 2024

I want to try all!

…but it‘s too much. 😍
And all was very tasty!
I‘ll definitely will come back!

Updated from previous review on 2024-04-07

Pros: Lots of choices, Tasty, Nice staff


Points +390

07 Apr 2024

Liebstes Restaurant in Köln

Perfekter Service, großartiges Essen. Ich war schon viele Male hier und liebe das Udum sehr.
Kann mich gar nicht entscheiden, was ich am liebsten mag, daher wähle ich fast immer die „Tapas“.
Omnivore Bekannte waren auch immer begeistert.

Pros: Tolle Personal, super freundlich , Köstlich , Große Auswahl


Points +129

24 Mar 2024

Tolles Essen

Tolles Essen und große Auswahl. Hier wird es mich auf jeden Fall nochmal hin verschlagen.


Points +545

22 Feb 2024

Nice place

I love the concept of Tapas, you can try a large variety of different foods. Everything we ordered was tasty and the dessert was extraordinary.
Very beautiful interior design.

Pros: Lots of options

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