
Vegan restaurant in a castle hotel that has a summer terrace in a peaceful ambiance. Serves a variety of well crafted creative cuisine. Open Mon-Sun 12:00-17:00, 18:00-21:00.

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27 Reviews

First Review by SoulfoodHH


Points +136

24 Jul 2024

Veganes Schlemmerparadies

Im Sommer waren wir im neueröffneten Restaurant Place to V und konnten auf der Terrasse mit Blick in den Garten essen. Leckere Küche aber der Geheimtipp der Cheesecake… den wir leider vor Begeisterung nicht fotografieren konnten.

Updated from previous review on 2021-07-24

Pros: 100%Auswahl weil alles vegan


Points +192

16 Jun 2024

A bit disappointing

The lasagna we had was good, however the ravioli had no taste. Also the portion size was quite small. Overall the food was too expensive and although we stayed at the hotel for multiple nights we only ate here once.

Pros: Sustainable and seasonal approach

Cons: Too expensive, Food a bit bland


Points +254

25 Feb 2024

Culinary gem in the middle of nowhere

We went to the Place to V as part of our stay off the ahead hotel and tried to taste as many dishes off the menu as possible.
Pro-tip: place a reservation! You don't want to drive all the way there to find out that there are no tables available. (There is really no vegan alternative in the closer vicinity to turn to as plan b.)

The staff is exceptionally friendly, welcoming and well organised. There was minimal waiting time after ordering.
We appreciated that they also serve alcohol-free wine and gin (on top of a big selection of red and white wines, and spirits).
We each had a starter and a main course, which was the perfect amount of food for us.
It is pricey and you're paying for the fine dining atmosphere as well as the food. It's presented well and tasted good. Can recommend, if you don't mind the steep prices and remote location.

Pros: Alcohol-free wine available, Friendly, welcoming staff, Fresh, seasonal ingredients

Cons: Pricey, Remote location


Points +98

05 Jan 2024

Immer wieder lecker

Mit einer saisonalen Karte, kann man sich immer über neue Gerichte freuen, die sehr sehr lecker sind. Etwas teuer für die Portionsgrößen, aber einfach saulecker!

Pros: Lecker, Saisonal, Gute Auswahl

Cons: Teuer, Relativ kleine Portionen


Points +829

07 Sep 2023

Fine Dining - expensive

We tried almost the whole menu.

All starter dishes were very tasty. We love the Carpaccio and the Mushroom Soup.

The Main Dishes are a bit to expensive and sometimes not so special as we hoped.
But all in all every dish was tasty and looked great.

If you are in this area, you have to visit this restaurant.

Pros: Starters, Friendly staff


Points +54

01 Sep 2023


Very creative and delicious menu! Even vegan and gluten desserts (only not sugar free).
Breakfast buffet with all sorts of home made spreads


Points +73

01 Sep 2023


Had dinner here twice in august '23. While the menu looked promising, we were somewhat disappointed both times. Portion sizes are small and the main courses especially did not taste right. The starters were good. Tried the salad, roasted fennel and mushroom soup. The mushroom soup was very enjoyable. As main courses we had BBQ eggplant, ravioli, risotto and gnocchi. The ravioli was served with mashed kohlrabi and peas. This was a very odd pairing. The BBQ sauce tasted off. Did not enjoy this main course. The risotto was good, although the mushrooms on top were flavourless and would have benefited from some spices. The gnocchi were served with blue cheese sauce that was very overpowering and made the dish almost inedible.
Staff was friendly, but doesn't speak English. German speaking guests were informed of daily specials that are not on the menu. English speaking guests have to point out their choices on the menu and don't get the chance to order daily specials.
Overall a disappointing experience. Only returned for a second time because there are almost no vegan options in the area.

Pros: Nice atmosphere and location , Starters

Cons: Expensive


Points +24

25 Aug 2023

Geschmack auf hohem Niveau

Eine gute Auswahl an rein veganen Gerichten, die aus vielfältigen und sehr guten Produkten abwechslungsreich zusammengestellt sind. Fast alle Komponenten werden in der Küche selbst hergestellt, wie zum Beispiel vegane Käsealternativen, Tofu und sogar die vegane Hähnchenalternative. Wir haben einige der Gerichte probiert und sie waren alle super lecker und wunderschön angerichtet. Ein tolles Erlebnis in einem schönen Ambiente.

Pros: Regional & Biologisch , Kreativ, ausgefallen, vielfältig


Points +293

12 Jul 2023


Aufmerksame, freundliche und kundige Mitarbeitende. Entspannte Tischordnung, schöne Sommertrrasse, tolle Umgebung...
An 3 Abenden hier extra-lecker gegessen! Vorspeisen: Blumenkohl-Trüffel- Suppe*****
Bao Bun**** (etwas trocken)
Trüffel Ravioli*****
...und jetzt gehen mir die Sterne aus:
Seitanroulade mit Sauerkrautfüllung mit Röstkartoffeln, bunten Möhren an Thymianjus- zum Niederknien!
Steht nicht auf der Karte, am WE gibt es oft noch ein extra Tagesgericht. Freitag u Samstag macht eine Reservierung Sinn.
Eher etwas hochpreisig, aber dafür superoberleckeres Essen!
Falls Ihr mal in der Nähe seid- ein Besuch lohnt sich!!!

Pros: Essen großartig, Mitarbeitende klasse, "Tischpolitik"


Points +314

30 Jun 2023


Rein veganes gehobenes Restaurant mit saisonaler und regionaler Küche. Besonders empfehle ich die Blumenkohl-Trüffel Suppe!
Außergewöhnlich guter Service und exzellente Küche. Jederzeit wieder gerne!

Pros: Rein Vegan , Nettes Personal , Schöne Location


Points +494

23 Apr 2023


The restaurant is magnificent and serves a wide variety of plant-based dishes and drinks made with fresh, seasonal ingredients. Reservations are recommended due to its popularity, but outdoor dining offers a beautiful view of the park.


Points +41

05 Apr 2023

Hervorragendes Restaurant

Hier sieht man was man bei der veganen Küche vermisst - absolut nichts!
Geschmacklich herausragend und top abgestimmt. Optisch aller erste (vegane) Sahne!
Da ist nicht mehr viel Luft nach oben.
Hier bekommt man erstklassige Speisen zu einem angemessenen Preis.
Weiter so!

Pros: Rein Vegan, Optisch absolute Highlights, Geschmacklich herausragend

Cons: Hohe Nachfrage - nur mit Reservierung


Points +46

19 Mar 2023

Einmalig gut!

Abwechslungsreiche, vielseitige Speisekarte. Ein wahres Geschmackserlebnis! Personal äußerst freundlich und hilfsbereit. Ich wohne leider zu weit weg, sonst würde ich hier wesentlich öfter einkehren.

Pros: Rein vegane Speisekarte , Auch mehrere Vorspeisen und Desserts, Ausgezeichnete Wein- und Getränkekarte

Cons: Große Nachfrage - frühzeitig Tisch reservieren!


Points +405

01 Jan 2023

Sehr lecker und edel

Sehr schönes Ambiente in der Burg, auch wegen des zuvorkommenden Services.
Wir haben bei unserem Aufenthalt 6 Hauptgerichte und 3 Vorspeisen getestet und waren bis auf eine Ausnahme sehr glücklich.
Kleine Portionen mit viel Raffinesse und von bester Qualität.
Hauptgericht ca 16-30€.


Points +312

04 Dec 2022


I ate here for a few days while staying at the ahead Burghotel. The restaurant is located next to the hotel, and both places are 100% vegan. The menu changes seasonally and includes 5-6 starters, 5-6 main courses, a few desserts and sometimes special menus on weekends. There is also a large selection of vegan wines.
Most of the dishes I had were absolutely delicious. The staff is very friendly and the service is very fast (sometimes a bit too fast, you don't even have time to enjoy your apero drink before the food is served).

Pros: 100% vegan


Points +167

22 Oct 2022

Very fine vegan dinner

The idea of this hotel and restaurant combination is heart warming. All vegan everybody nice and all this in a beautiful location

Pros: All vegan, Nice and friendly staff , Creative vegan meals

Cons: A little price but worth it


Points +4480

02 Oct 2022

Vegan wohlfühlen

Wir haben und im Place to V sehr wohlgefühlt. Sowohl auf der Terrasse zum Kuchen essen als auch in dem Restaurant war die Stimmung immer sehr angenehm. Von dem leckeren Essen ganz zu schweigen. Besonders zu empfehlen sind die "Käse" Platte als Nachspeise und das Gericht mit Austernpilzen.

Updated from previous review on 2022-10-02

Pros: Fein abgestimmte Gerichte, Komplett vegan , Leckere Kuchen

Cons: Relativ hochpreisig, Nur die Hauptspeise war nicht immer sättigend


Points +3769

17 Aug 2022

The place to be for dinner

The quality of the food is very high, everything looks great and tastes great. I was only a little disappointed with the burger at lunch. The dinner dishes were without exception first class, creative and delicious (we ate there for almost a week). I was always full with two courses and especially enjoyed the different salads for appetisers. In addition to the standard menu, there is often a dish of the day. In the afternoon, there are about 6 cakes to choose from.

In summer, you can eat on the beautiful terrace with a view of the garden or inside. The staff was always quick, attentive and very friendly. Be sure to make a reservation for dinner!


Points +30

07 Jul 2022

Creative vegan food

Really creative and very tasty vegan food.


Points +403

03 Jun 2022

Gutes Essen

Tolle kreative Karte. Unfassbar gute Suppen!

Pros: Auswahl, Qualität , Service

Cons: Eher teuer

something unique

Points +1096

20 Apr 2022

Good, but expensive

Our dinner at Place to V was good - they clearly make an effort to come up innovative vegan cuisine. Portion sizes were fairly small, and considering that one of our meals cost 25 EUR (mushrooms in a batter deep-fried), and that in addition a salad cost almost 10 EUR, a dessert also in that region, ... well. The food was good. Clearly worth a journey. But the prices ...

Pros: Good food, great location

Cons: quite expensive


Points +41

24 Dec 2021

Wunderbares Weihnachtmenü

Wir hatten heute das 4 Gänge Weihnachtsmenü - es war eine große Freude!
Bei unserem ersten Besuch aßen wir à la Carte - sehr abwechslungsreich und alles toll zubereitet!

Pros: alles vegan, sehr abwechslungsreiche Karte , total flexibel bei Unverträglichkeiten

Cons: keine


Points +68

11 Oct 2021

Super veganes Restaurant

Nette Bedienung und ausschließlich leckeres veganes Essen! Aber ohne Reservierung schwierig einen Tisch zu bekommen!

Pros: Alles Vegan!!


Points +96

12 Sep 2021

Köstliche vegane Speisen

Die Gerichte waren unglaublich lecker, frisch und vielseitig. Die Köche haben wirklich ein tolles veganes Geschmackserlebnis kreiert. Wir haben unter anderem Trüffelpasta, Steinpilzlasta, Tiramisu und Salat gegessen - alles hervorragend. Auch der Service war klasse. Wäre gerne noch mehr Abende im Hotel geblieben, um noch weitere Gerichte zu probieren😄

Pros: Köstliche vegane Speisen

Cons: Recht teuer - 20 Euro für ein Hauptgericht,, Für uns war es das Geld wert


Points +31

18 Aug 2021

Extremely disappointing

As a vegan I am happy about every vegan offer, and it hurts me to say this but, this restaurant is just terribly bad. I want to give one star only but can’t in this app (one star is given extra automatically for vegan places).
We were guests in the hotel and on the first evening guests in the restaurant, we were very disappointed and then thought we’d give it another try on the third evening (for lack of vegan alternatives in the area) and went to eat there again.
The menu is written well and everything sounds delicious but the dishes are so so bad!! I ordered "spinach dumplings with lemon mushrooms and grilled tomato". What I got were two deep-fried (!) and grease-dripping "dumplings" with mushroom cream sauce and raw cherry tomatoes. My friend had gnocchi with pesto - Extremely small portions, little was homemade but a lot of convenience stuff, everything fried tastes like old frying fat, when you leave the restaurant you smell like frying fat.. The soup we had on our second visit was more like porridge and half cold. The "wild herb salad" was simply a leaf salad with some cress. And everything was so incredibly expensive, especially im repation to the inferior quality. Even the cake we had in the afternoon was bad because it was still half frozen...
It is such a shame and I just hope that the many "non-vegans" who are guests here are not put off by this food and think all vegan food is bad. I can only advise against the visit that goes beyond having a coffee or a beer..

Pros: Everything is vegan

Cons: Expensive, Very bad food, Long waiting times


Points +1649

15 Aug 2021

Room for improvement

We had very high expectations because of the good reviews, but were a little disppointed. We had cake in the afternoon, apple cake and some other fruit cake with a cream, which was ok, but not really good. Furthermore the service was very slow and we had to ask for them to come outside, take the order and then wait again quite long for cake.
The dinner again didn't meet our expectations. The portions were not huge and didn't really fulfill what the menu said. For example the "Geschnetzeltes" was not as expected some chunky saitan pieces in a sauce but some very thin crispy slices on top of a sliced dumpling with little sauce. My partner was even still hungry afterwards (it was16€). My curry lentils tasted boring, again average. Furthermore unfortunately we had to wait over an hour, so we got our food after 9 pm, although we had a reservation for 8 pm.
The breakfast buffet had a good choice but for a vegan place I would have expected even more homemade spreads instead of convenient sausage and cheese slices. Maybe they serve this because a lot of people seem to come there without knowing that this place is vegan and maybe do not even notice :-)

Overall the breakfast was the best experience and the reason why we might come back and I rate 4 stars instead of 3.

Pros: All vegan, Breakfast buffet

Cons: Service, Portions and prices


Points +66

31 Jul 2021

Der Name ist Programm - absolut empfehlenswert!

Wir sind aktuell Gäste im ahead Burghotel und haben das Place to V nun bereits mehrfach besucht. Biovegane Restaurants sind noch immer rar gesät und es ist eine große Freude, nicht nur eine gute, wohlüberlegte Karte vorzufinden, sondern auch eine kreative und ambitionierte, pflanzenbasierte Küche. Hier steht genuss- und geschmackvolles Essen im Vordergrund, das nicht versucht tierische Produkte zu imitieren, sonderen durch geradlinige Konzepte und feine Nuancen bei gleichzeitig hochqualitativer Produktauswahl zu überzeugen.

Vollmundige Saucen, die in ihrer Textur wie samtig aufmontiert schmecken, fein dressierte Speisen, die das Auge freuen und großartige Weine machen jeden Besuch zu einem Erlebnis. Hinzu kommt ein exzellenter, freundlicher und höchst aufmerksamer Service, der die ohnehin entspannte Atmosphäre des Burggartens unterstützt.

Wir freuen uns auf viele weitere Besuche im Place to V.

Pros: 100% vegan, Überwiegend Bio-Produkte, Hohe Kreativität und großartiger Service

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