3 Filtered Reviews of Napfényes Restaurant & Confectionery

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Points +13

07 Jul 2012


This very out of the way cellar underground place is neither organic nor bio.
They use ICEBERG lettuce to prepare their salads and the desserts contain refined sugars. Mostly all their dishes are greasy and fried foods.
Summer in Budapest is very hot and uncomfortable. We generally eat out to be comfortable and feel pampered. This place is the antithesis of comfort !
Their air conditioner does not function and it is truly a sweatbox. You are sitting underground in a cellar with a hot kitchen and the temperature inside feels like 150 fahrenheit ! The service is deplorable and the food is unhealthy and lackluster. Stay away from this place unless you like to sweat like a swine

Cons: Nothing organic, Fried foods, A/C does NOT function


15 Jul 2012

leave it to someone from bel air to be over dramatic with their complaints. i've been to napfenyes many times over the past two years, and have always experienced great service. plus, the kitchen you complain about is next to the door, and not anywhere near the dining area. so, how was the kitchen making the restaurant hot? from the look of your review, you were probably the biggest cause of the establishment being full of hot air.

maybe the next time the servants, i mean, staff will pamper you like the incredibly important person that you are. one can only hope. your first world problems are so hard!

also, "swine" do not sweat. pigs do not have the proper glands to generate sweat to regulate their body temperature. so, to cool themselves, pigs find something wet, like mud, or bodies of water.


Points +18

21 Aug 2013


The restaurant is nice and quiet, and the waitresses are nice. We took the Sunlight Platter for Two (3800 HUF)that has:
(fried vegetable pancakes, sesame-breaded dairy-free cheese, marinated and grilled seitan cutlets and falafel served with rice and green peas, mashed potatoes and onions, braised cabbage and tartar sauce).
I liked the vegetable pancakes, but all the other meals were nothing special. I couldn't eat the dairy-free cheese (horrible taste). The tartar sauce was good. But I'm disappointed, even the potatoes had no taste! ANd almost everything was fried and had the same taste. And what about the rice with peas? I don't go to a restaurant to eat rice with peas!
As dessert we ordered a sort of cheesecake with a purple jam on it, and it really had no taste at all! other 2 customers ordered it too and couldn't eat it, and we saw some of the other customers that didn't eat the Sunlight Platter too, and the pizzas.
To drink we had 1 ginger lemonade and 1 rose water lemonade, that were good! They don't have beers, because as they say in the 1st page of the menu, they only have healty food and drinks (but they have a lot of fries meals, that doesn't sound so healty to me!)

Pros: lemonade, courtesy, quiet

Cons: dessert, food, no beer


Points +20

06 Sep 2015

comida rápida vegan

mi esposo y yo fuimos este lugar y nos pareció excesivamente malo. todos los platillos muy condimentados con ingredientes altamente procesados, quesos con grasas trans, comida muy parecida a la famosa fastfood, los postres malos, nada increíble. terminamos de comer y caminamos mas de una hora y aun repetimos la comida. el menú raw escaso, con abundante aceite. no lo recomiendo para nosotros los raw. tuve que pedir una pizza de vegetales pero solo de ver la cantidad de grasa me fue imposible comérmela. pedí un postre Apple pie y endulzado con xylitol y con abundante harina. económico por que su moneda es diferente. no tienen Wi-Fi. no se si esa sea la filosofía les recomiendo el súper mejor una buena ensalada con vegetales y fruta que es muy barata. la comida que se quiere parecer a la que antes comíamos, con abundante soya, aceites trans, azúcares de los veganos no ha resultado buena para la salud.

Pros: localización cerca del metro , económica

Cons: no hay wi fi, comida muy procesada