Vegetable Broth (from scraps)

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    Once you have a few cups or more of scraps, add them to a large stock pot and fill with water.
    Boil and then simmer for about an hour. Allow to cool.
    Using another large pot, strain the vegetable scraps using a cheesecloth or fabric (nut milk bag) strainer. Store in a jar(s) for up to a week in the refrigerator, or use Ziploc bags to store in the freezer.
    Use as a base for any kind of soup, stew or chili.


    Save your vegetable scraps (avoid cruciferous vegetables) and store them in a freezer bag (in the freezer.)

    Include parts of the vegetables like:
    The peelings, ends, stalks and leaves from onions, carrots, celery, cilantro, mushrooms, turmeric and ginger, and sprigs from fresh herbs.

    Add a few bay leaves when ready to make the broth.

    Serving Size

    Depends on size of pot

    Prep Time

    1 1/2 hours

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