Beetroot Chocolate Cake

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    Preheat the oven to 180° C.
    Make a vegan egg by mixing the ground flax seed and the water in a bowl and let it rest for 5 minutes.
    Mix all dry ingredients in a large bowl and in the other bowl mix all wet ingredients and add the vegan egg.
    Stir everything together until well combined. Batter should be a thick consistency.
    Grease cake form with oil and cover with flour or grated coconut.
    Put the batter into prepared form and bake for 45 minutes.
    Start making chocolate ganache by heating cream in a water bath. Than add the chocolate and stir until fully melted.
    Let the cake cool and than add a ganache on the top. Serve and enjoy!


    For the vegan egg:
    1 tablespoon ground flax seed (or vegan egg mixture)
    3 tablespoon water

    Dry Ingredients:
    250 gram all-purpose flour
    150 gram cane sugar (brown)
    100 gram cocoa powder (bitter type)
    2 teaspoon baking powder
    Pinch of salt

    Wet Ingredients:
    250 gram beetroot, grated and cooked
    2 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
    100 ml sunflower oil
    Vanilla extract, to taste

    For the chocolate ganache:
    250 ml soy cream
    100 gram dark chocolate

    Serving Size


    Prep Time

    60 minutes

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