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  • 4
  • Tasty food if you don't starve in the waiting line

This is a translation of a review found in a German vegan forum as I myself have not visited the Katerwerkstatt yet. In any case I'd like to share these customers experience with you: -- You make a donation in the range of 6 - 12 EUR (of course you can donate more), drinks are extra. Very very kind stuff, but unfortunately the waiting line gets longer at every visit and they can't hardly cope with the rush. The waiting times are enormous, and if you are not present at the opening time you have lost. ;-) So far it happened once that I have walked off since the waiting line stretched into the backyard - later on I have heard that it took a solid hour to be served. However, the food is out-and-out very tasty, and their cup cakes are a dream! Dishes range from "scrambled eggs" over nuggets, pasta, noodle salad, "obazda" up to bread rolls with "ham". Only once in a while they overdo with thyme and onions. ;-)

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