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  • 5
  • Best Vegan Fare in all of LA!!!

Okay, so RFD has 40-some reviews and they're all 4s and 5s (4s, seriously? Can't imagine anything less than a 5!) Obviously, my glowing review is unnecessary. But, I love this place so much that I just HAVE to rave about it. I first discovered this vegan haven (also a Kosher haven, for those concerned!) two years ago. I was just visiting LA at that point, and was so disappointed that I couldn't live right above it and eat there for breakfast, lunch, and dinner - not that I could, anyway, since the prices in LA are unfortunately well beyond my budget. So, rather than repeat what everyone else has said, I will simply list my favs.... Best entrees: * The specials almost never fail! Most recently, the Midnight Oasis blew me away... it's always worth it to give these rare treats a go =) * El Bandito Rojo - vegan enchiladas!!! Need I say more? * Seitan Salisbury - this is the most incredible seitan I've ever tasted - the seasoning/marination is PERFECT! I also love the gravy and it's a special treat for a vegan to be able to eat mashed potatoes in a restaurant! Best sandwich: * The Club!!!!! Oh... my... god is it good. I drool just thinking about it. If you're having trouble deciding between this and the Reuben (also quite tasty!), get the Club and add sauerkraut and the special "cheese" spread that comes on the Reuben and you've got yourself the most amazing sandwich known to man! This is also an excellent choice for non-vegans, who truly won't miss the meat and cheese. Best desserts: * Caramel Pecan Cheesecake - freaking awesome in every way! * Moon Pie (get it when you can, because it's a rare special!) - coconut crust & coconut cream doused in the most amazing thick chocolate ever... mmmmmmmm.

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