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Thanks for your review! Owner must have read it b/c their plasticware is biodegradable now and they added recycling. Also, I just went from vegetarian to vegan and have some insight on the cheese thing. Vegan cheese just tastes different. It's like if you go from 2% milk to skim milk, you can taste the difference. But then you get accustomed to the taste of the skim milk and you don't like the taste of 2% anymore. With milk, you can go from Whole to 2% to Skim to Soy, Almond or Coconut. With cheese, the change is more drastic. In my experience, the only way to do it is to go cold turkey. After about 2 weeks my taste buds adjusted and now (gasp...I can't believe it!) I actually do not like the taste of regular cheese and prefer the vegan stuff.

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