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Tanya O'Callaghan is a vegan Musician, Bassist

Birthday: Apr 01, 1986
Birthplace: Mullingar, Ireland
Veg source: https://www.bassplayer.com/artists/tanya-ocallaghan

Website: http://tanyaocallaghan.com

Growing up in the small but musically town of Mullingar, Ireland Tanya has collaborated with a diverse and formidable roster of artists across the world.
To date Tanya has performed, recorded, toured, and written with an incredibly diverse collection of artists, including: Dee Snider (Twisted Sister) Maynard Keenan (Tool) Steven Adler (Guns N Roses) Nuno Bettencourt, Jordan Fisher, and shows such as The RiverDance and The Voice. Tanya is a lifelong vegan and passionate animal welfare activist.


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