Socrates was a vegetarian Greek philsopher -Know thyself to be true

Lived: around 469BC to 399BC
Birth place: Athens, Greece

Socrates is the Classical Greek philosopher, best known for his motto, Know thyself to be true, or Be true to yourself. He was an active seeker of truth. Socrates teachings had major influence on western philosophy. Both Plato and Aristotle were his disciples.

For information see: <a href="" target="_blank">IVU</a>



Points +11

Posted on 24 Mar 2022

Socrates did not write any plays. You are probably thinking of Sophocles.

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Points +12

Posted on 28 Dec 2009

i have read many plays by Socrates and some biographical excerpts, but i wonder if it's possible to know his vegetarian status? anyone an expert who can point me to some good sources?

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