Scott Goldberg is a vegan director - filmmaker

Birthday: June 23rd, 1982
Birthplace: Houston, Texas

Scott Goldberg is a filmmaker who is notable for writing, directing, and producing several critically acclaimed film shorts and political documentaries and his synthesis of horror and drama in a political context as a director. The content of his work typically revolves around socio-political ideas such as war, corruption, and terrorism. One of his most recent films, 'Loss of Hope', featuring Friday the 13th veteran actor Paul Kratka, was critically acclaimed by Rouge Cinema as "a heart-wrenching and yet terrifying short that will have you thinking about the end of the world and still keeping in mind the ones that you love".

"I always believe it's important to make films from your heart and do it for the right reasons like sharing something beautiful with the world rather than for the wrong reasons because you have so many people out there who want to make films for the wrong reasons and those people are lost. The true filmmaker is one who puts their blood, sweat and tears into a project and shares their baby with the world to either educate or entertain the audience rather than doing it for personal benefit."

He is a raw vegan and has been since 2002.


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