Jyrki Linnankivi is a vegan musician, lead singer, UNICEF Ambassador for Finland

Birthday: Oct 15, 1968
Birth place: Helsinki, Finland
Veg source: https://www.nuclearblast.de/en/label/music/band/news/details/6275683.71014.the-69-eyes-on-vegan-black-metal-chef-show.html

Website: http://69eyes.com

Jyrki Linnankivi, also known as "Jyrki 69,"is the lead singer for the Finnish goth/metal/rock band "The 69 Eyes," often called the "Helsinki Vampires." He is also a UNICEF ambassador from Finland and focuses on education and health promotion in Africa. He promotes juicing with his band mates and, more notably, during an appearance on the "Vegan Black Metal Chef."


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