Chris Adler is a vegetarian musician, drummer of Lamb of God

Birthday: Nov 23, 1972
Birth Place: Richmond, Virginia


Chris Adler is the drummer of long running American death metal band "Lamb of God". The band was formed in 1994 (with the original name "Burn the Priest") and has released six studio albums, with total record sales of over 2 million in the US alone. Chris Adler became gave up eating red meat after learning what happens to animals in factory farms. He continued eating chicken until he saw a truck taking chickens to the slaugther, "we were on tour and saw a chicken truck go by with these chickens that were just bleeding-it was just disgusting. And that was it. I haven't had a piece of it since." He has featured in an advert promoting vegetarianism for PETA in which he says "my marriage, my relationships and family, my accomplishments with my band and my choice to be vegetarian are not only things that I am proud of, they define me." Lamb of God's bass player John Campbell is also a vegetarian.


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