Albert Einstein was a vegetarian Scientist

Birthday: March 14, 1879
Birthplace: Germany

Albert Einstein is one of the most famous figures in history. He was a scientist known for his formula, E=MC(2).

Einstein was a vegetarian during the last year of his life, although he had supported the idea for a long time. In a letter to Max Kariel he said, "I have always eaten animal flesh with a somewhat guilty conscience," and soon after became a vegetarian.

Enstein's famous quote, "Nothing will benefit health or increase chances of survival on earth as the evolution to a vegetarian diet."

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Points +14

Posted on 12 Jun 2022

something in their water... both Tesla and Einstein, both veggie brothers, yes?!


Points +17

Posted on 28 Dec 2021

I don’t care if Einstein ate meat up until the day before he died…What does it matter if he switched to a “vegan” style diet in his last year of life because he was ill?? That seems more of a “judgmental” thing to me. Anyways….We all have different journeys to peace, tranquility and understanding. And we intersect with those truths at different points in our lives. Thus, No matter the reasons, whether intentional or indirectly he still discovered, what is without doubt the absolute truth when he says…..

”Nothing will benefit health or increase chances of survival on earth as the evolution to a vegetarian diet."

People please understand that the universe guides us all to our “awakening” and that happens at different times for different people….So even if it took for him to be “sick” and in the last year of his life to be “awakened” The universe still guided him and that was his journey….Rest assured he is “connected” and has transitioned the the next step of his existence….Be well all

Avatar herwin


Points +78

Posted on 13 Jul 2019

"I have always eaten animal flesh with a somewhat guilty conscience"
in other words, here we have a "genius" who is fully aware of the cruelties behind meat, yet didn't bother to act upon it. He is the guy who listens to his stomach, not to his conscience. At dinner time he punches his conscience in the face and makes it shut up so he can enjoy his tasty meat.
Only one year before his death, long after his scientific research, he eats vegetarian. For his health. Einstein is the perfect example of all the ppl who know, but who do their utter best to opress the good in them, and dont act upon what they feel is right. Sorry. Not my inspiration. A weak person who helped developed the atomic bomb. A brainiac yes, a genius, no. Clever, yes, wise, not at all.


Points +23

Posted on 15 Feb 2018

Are all genius vegetarians?


Points +1634

Posted on 29 Jan 2018

A great source of info regarding Einstein's interest in vegetarianism is

Sadly, the 'famous quote' certainly can't be attributed to him, other than maybe as a wildly exaggerated translation...


Points +17

Posted on 03 Aug 2017

Einstein, my man. My G. Ayeee :D


Points +11

Posted on 20 Feb 2014

@hd1lady The terms vegetarian and vegan were one and the same at some point:
Lacto-ovo-vegetarian is not vegetarian, because vegetarian=vegan. Therefore, Einstein might have been vegetarian->vegan. However, even if he wasn't vegan, and just "vegetarian", what he did and said about it still represents a big support. :)

Avatar G squared

G squared

Points +12

Posted on 28 Dec 2009

this shows that he was human despite and because of his genius. it is possible to advocate a vegan or vegetarian diet but still give in to temptation. maybe he needed to visit farms or read The Jungle.

Avatar AshPaz


Points +9

Posted on 30 Oct 2009

well, he's still a smart guy we gotta give him some credit!

Avatar JMazz05


Points +9

Posted on 19 Jan 2009

Yeah, your right, he did support vegetarianism though, and said that it would be the single best thing that humanity can do for survival on earth.


Avatar hd1lady


Points +31

Posted on 14 Oct 2008

Hi all - Although I would LOVE to believe this, I've researched Einstein for many years. He was not a vegan or vegetarian until later on in life when he took ill. Then he decided a plant based diet would be best for his health. I have not found ANY information on him being vegan though, ever. Sorry -just thought the info here should be correct.

Tina Volpe

Avatar Alkaline200


Points +9

Posted on 03 Jul 2008

deary me and people still argue against vegetarianism - what idiots people can be! He\'s a genius!! Do people forget that??


Points +34

Posted on 18 May 2008

No Wonder he is so SMART, he doesn't eat meat.

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