AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada was a vegetarian founder of ISKCON/Hare Krishna

Lived: September 1, 1896 to November 14, 1977
Birth place: Kolkata, India


AC Bhaktivedanta Swami was the founder of the ISKCON temple/Hare Krishna movement that originated in India. His followers pray and chant daily and follow a lacto-vegetarian diet. ISKCON temples exist all over the world with followers worldwide as well. Many of the temple have adjacent vegetarian buffet restaurants named "Govinda's."

For information see: <a href="" target="_blank">IVU</a>


Avatar gopal


Points +9

Posted on 26 Jul 2009

Actually, AC Bhaktivedanta Swami's followers have never done such things...they wouldn't be followers if they had.Through his influence i have been a vegetarian for 35 years..have i made poor choices here and there? absolutely, but i recognize right from wrong and consciously work to better my life every single day because i want to be like him? why? Because he is of the highest class of gentlemen and because he knows what pleases our Supreme Father.. .sincere followers live there life trying to follow the path of the saintly persons...Hare Krishna

Avatar Electric


Points +12

Posted on 07 Jul 2009

Prabhupada is not responsible for the nonsense of others. He never condoned any such behavior.

Prabhupada provided a great guide to living a spiritual life, whether you follow it or not is up to you.

We all have free will and responsibility for our own actions, this is the nature of karma. Have you taken responsibility for yours or do you also attempt to blame that on others?

Avatar sasa


Points +9

Posted on 02 Jan 2009

Being vegetarian doesn't make you a saint. (piggeons are also vegetarians). AC Bhaktivedanta Swami shared a perfect way to love God and achieve self-realisation. Accepting and using that knowledge is a matter of choice for every individual. Similar to your choice to point out the dark side of many individuals, no matter if they are "Hare Krishnas" or being members of some other faiths. You could choose to point out how many young people quit drugs when started practicing Krishna Consciousness, or how many hungry people got fed through "Food For Life" program... Your poor choice make you to see only bad things in a world. That should not be a general rule or you could end up really messed up - realizing that so many things in this world are not according to your standards.
And it's not a sect.

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