1 Filtered Review of Anthem

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Points +35

04 Jul 2019

Do not support this crook just because it's vegan. Owner is a garbage human.

Unethical owner, food has no flavor, expensive. Talk to any of the people he has screwed over and you will never support this scumbag! All his food is highly processed and flavorless. Bulk Taiwanese vegan beef strips with sriracha. The burger he goes on and on about all the time was created by the chef he screwed over, and never gave any credit to.

One example of this piece of garbage owner, called a meeting for 9 am Friday morning. Had the whole staff sit around until 10:30, some of whom were single mothers who had to ride the bus with little children in order to make it there. Fired everyone and lied about the reason. These were loyal staff who had supported him for a year, waited to be paid because their checks bounced every pay period and he would lie and say his bank account got hacked, but NEVER accepted responsibility. My family physically paid for and built his El Cajon Boulevard location, with my 2 and 6 year old sitting there in the construction for months while this scumbag sat and posted on Instagram every day while everyone else worked. In order to protect himself, he had secretly arranged a new location, having known for months the location would close due to not paying the rent for months on end, but gave 2 days notice to his staff. Utter garbage!!

Luckily for him, his staff has not spoken publicy yet about this scumbag, but talk to anyone who worked there and they will tell you. When challenged on social media, he lied and said he hired everyone back at the new location. That was a complete lie.

For anyone wondering why the El Cajon Boulevard location closed, it was because the owner had zero work ethic. He insisted on taking Sundays (the busiest day) off for his "mental health". Anyone knows, if you own a restaurant you have to work hard. He refused to take anyone's advice. There was no oversight on the food quality and the wait times were far too long, all while he sat in his office with the doors locked, too chicken to face anyone or oversee the food that was being served his "own" restaurant!

He also never paid the mom and pop vegan bakers who provided the deserts. Ripped them off for many thousands of dollars. Total scumbag.

Updated from previous review on 2019-07-04

Pros: None

Cons: Bland tasteless, unhealthy food, Owner ripped off his staff and investors, Owner ripped off vegan vendors all over San Diego.


12 Aug 2019