Lentil and Carrot Soup

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    Cut onions and carrots and boil the carrots. Once the carrots are boiled, put them in a mixer and mash them until they become an orange liquid.
    Put some oil in a pan, cut the onions and the garlic and put them in the pan to fry them a bit. Once they become golden, add salt, pepper, turmeric, coriander powder and the lentils. Stir the mix for a couple of minutes and then add the 2 cups of onions.
    Add 4 cups of water and let everything cook. After 10 minutes, check on the lentils and see if they are cooked (they should be).
    Add the carrots and the coconut milk and mix them all together.
    Leave them cook on low heat for 5-10 minutes. Serve and enjoy!


    5-6 carrots
    1 onion
    2 cloves garlic
    2 cup lentils
    Salt, to taste
    Pepper, to taste
    Turmeric, to taste
    Coriander powder, to taste
    Olive oil
    Coconut milk

    Serving Size


    Prep Time

    30 minutes

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      Lentil and Carrot Soup

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