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  • 5
  • A Truly Wonderful Experience

The Sat Nam Café Vegetariano is a truly wonderful experience. I’ve had dinner there three times since its opening, and will be a regular customer every four to six weeks. One of my favorites is their Kicheree Casserole: mung grains with basmati, broccoli, carrot, zuccini, paprika and spinach. Accompanied by beets with coconut and mozzarella cheese. I had this recently with their Infusion tea of Ginger with honey and lemon, which I had cool. Their sole dessert is so great I had four my last visit: one inch squares of chocolate or amaretto. I had two of each. Thanks to a small gift I gave owner and general manager Karla, she can communicate in English. And remember: no propina is requested on her bills, so please tip as generously as you can. After all, she treats her customers like family.

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