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  • 3
  • Vegan options in an airport ? YES !

I'm a vegan and I usually travel for work so I get to hang out at airports a lot and most of the time I end up eating fries, a $483746 Starbucks's banana (lol) or some fresh (not) cucumber sushis that cost me an arm. As I was entering the San Francisco airport through terminal 2, I looked to my right and there was written the best ish ever : VEGAN SELECTIONS. I cried. So going there I wasn't expecting this little market to be REALLY vegan-friendly but it actually was, although there was way more meat or vegetarian options (what do you expect... this is an airport ?). With that being said, I had the green cold-pressed juice I was craving (bottled) and I noticed there was quite a lot of vegan snacks (chips, protein bars, chocolate, etc.) and all pretty unprocessed, which is a goooood plus to me. They were out of the tempeh sandwich ([censored]) but I enjoyed this veggie soup in a bread bowl and it seriously was amazing. I recommend you try it. The salads looked fresh as well. The ambiance is very warm ; the staff is really cool and they all know about veganism so you don't have to wonder if they gave you any animal products. Besides, every vegan item is labeled (V). There's also some wine and a gift station. In conclusion, I was really happy I found this place. It's a pretty good sign that veganism is more and more popular (muahahahaha ??❤️)

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