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  • 5
  • The best vegan restaurant in Fukuoka!

※日本語レビューは下にあります I've eaten here many times, and they always serve me very delicious and satisfying food. I've tried the curry, the macrobiotic plate, and the taco rice so far, which were all big meals, well-prepared, and tasty. The couple who own this restaurant are lovely, and I always enjoy talking with them. They're also very passionate about veganism and their food, and in reality restaurants which support veganism are rare in Japan. It's a little far from Hakata or Tenjin but well worth going. You can enjoy the peaceful inaka (rural Japanese atmosphere) around the restaurant. There's also big, beautiful shrine (Miyagidake Shrine) three stops away if you are interested and have time. ししぶ駅からすぐのveggie食堂船出屋では、有機野菜をたっぷり使った美味しいヴィーガン料理が食べられます。 エスニックカレー、日替わりマクロビプレート、タコライスどれもとても美味しくてお腹もいっぱいになります。値段は980円〜、ドリンク・デザートセットを付けても1380円です。安い。キッズメニューもあるのでお子さん連れのお母さんもたまに見かけます。 とても素敵なご夫婦がレストランを経営していて、店内のレイアウトもレトロでヒッピーな雰囲気。とても可愛らしくて落ち着くお店です。 古賀方面に用があってもなくても一度は訪れてほしい!完全ヴィーガンのレストランです。

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