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  • 3
  • Everything's big - including the prices

This place was an experience. It's an upmarket vegetarian restaurant with monks as waiters (not sure if they were real). If you're far sighted, don't worry if you forgot your glasses because this place has the world's biggest menus. Each page is made of cardboard and it's like reading a coffee table book. For refreshments you can order many different types of tea and juices that are meant to help cure your internal ailments. The main menu has dishes with names like 'Fragrant Spicy Seasonal Mushroom Claypot', 'Ode of Tribute', 'What my mother told me on her rocking chair' and so on. Dinner itself its quite special, with delicious dumplings to start, subtle braised bean curd and a deep fried, spicy gluten dish with chilli, onion and pepper in it. I also had a hotpot type dish with a huge variety of mushrooms packed with rich yet delicate flavour. They also do a special organic rice. The staff are "enthusiastic" and attentive... they'll take your half-finished dish away and transfer it to a smaller one and each time you take the smallest sip of your tea they'll top it up. They'll also take on an obsessive-compulsive role, moving plates and bowls and chopsticks small distances just to re-align them otherwise the universe might collapse in on itself. But apart from that (and the fact it was about four times as expensive as Still Thoughts, the place had great food and it was definitely an experience). Cost of a meal for two was 300 yuan as opposed to 80 in other places.

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