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  • 5
  • Surprisingly unique

Whenever I travel to NYC I make it a point to eat at Beyond Sushi for at least two meals. It’s reasonably priced, tasty, and super innovative. As a vegan, I am tired that every time a place offers “vegan sushi” I get avocado wrapped in rice and seaweed or something about as exciting. It’s tasteless and unoriginal. Beyond sushi, really goes beyond and brings us something innovative in the world of vegan sushi. No two of their rolls are similar, and they all feature unconventional ingredients wrapped in tasty forbidden rice or black rice. Somehow, despite the seemingly-strange combinations of flavors, every roll and dish on their menu I have tried is amazing. Their sauces are tasty and flavorful as well, and pair beautifully with their respective dishes. Personal favorites: sweet bean wrap, mighty mushroom roll, and sweet tree roll. I hope this place spreads to other cities soon. I have never seen a better fast food concept. Love it and cannot recommend enough!

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