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  • 4
  • Spacious Bagels

A very spacious branch of the ever polular veggie friendly Bagels & Beans chain set on a nice canal near the National Opera. The menu is the same a the other branches around town. No problem at all finding a suitable veg or vegan bagel to suit your mood. To drink I wouldn't look any further than the soya matcha latte or if you fancy something cold a deliciously chilled Wostok pine cone lemonade. Bagels start from €4.95 for the goats cheese, honey and walnut to €6.35 for the vegan tuna salad made with fish free tuna from the Vegetarian Butcher (now known as the Vegetarian Trader - de Vegetarische Traiteur). The staff are also pretty open to suggestions, so if you want a bagel with hummus, avocado, sun dried tomatoes and pine kernels, you will get one.

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