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  • 4
  • Vegan goodies

It's funny to have a butcher shop be vegan, but hey- it's cool! Veg*ns feel left out sometimes, or relegated to salad, but here, you're veg*ism is not displayed awkwardly or apologetically, it's all veg! The good part is that they get the veg community wants to feel accepted and not judged, so everyone here is welcome, from veg to non-veg, regardless of race, gender, religion or other identity traits. Love that vibe. There's soy-based cheeses and nut-based cheeses. There's sandwiches and there's jerky. There's meat looking things like steak and ribs and sausage, but it's all vegan. Check out the jack fruit as pulled pork and shredded chicken! Special days are taco days, but the hot items are whatever is in plastic item stands atop the deli case. Other snacks include sweets and ice cream, crackers and chips. There are condiments and apparel, too. Great shop! Some gluten free choices, but no gluten free bread.

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