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  • 5
  • best vegan/plantbased food in bremen!

whatever your taste is - i am sure that vengo will offer you something you love. they have the BEST vegan sweet treats in town, may it be cake or dessert variations - they won´t dissapoint you. the menu switches bi-weekly and everything in this place is vegan/plantbased (except the parmesan cheese on the table, which is of course optional or the regular cow milk you can have with your coffee - but the "normal" milk in this place is soymilk of course! :) anyways, the antipasti is awesome and you can create your own plate, it could become a small version or a big one. or a very big one, when you visit this place as a group. the menu always offers two soups, one curry, one "other" dish and a pasta option. i recommend this place to every bremen-visitor or everyone living in bremen. the restaurant is just great and i visit it regularly - and never saw or heard of a disappointed face!

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