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  • 4
  • Delicious Burritos with Vegan Options

Roburrito has fantastic Burritos. We go there quite often. While the ingredients are prepared in seperate locations I consider the complete omission of ingredients good enough, especially in a place like Dallastown and York. The employees and feel of the place is fantastic (even Blake is okay) but might be off putting to the run of the mill stick in the mud. I've been to the York and Central Market locations. The places are pretty lowbrow and the employees get a little "cool guy" on you; I just ignore it. York and Dallastown has no shortage of suburban hipsters. The place is covered with old local pop punk band stickers and memorabilia that old guys like me used to actually go and see. The menu is simple and a little misleading. You get a burrito with no options. It normally has meat, cheese, and sourcream. The vegan variety simply omits these ingredients and adds potato. I really like the texture of the potato, (and I've added tater tots to my home cooked burritos with great success). You have several levels of hot sauce that you can select. I prefer the "Cuban Missile Crisis". One of the best features is that there is a "miniburrito" size. This is about as much burrito as I can comfortably eat anyway. They also have quesadillas, but I've never had them. Once at the Central Market location once of the employees who was also a vegan offered to make his special vegan version. It included pineapple, and was fantastic. This was unfortunately a one time deal. At any rate, go get a burrito and eat it, soon.

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