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  • 4
  • Elevate Your Soul

When picturing what a Detroit Vegan Soul place might look like...I pictured some funky little house with a family vibe to it. What we walked into was more akin to a somewhat streamlined cafe with the ambiance of a ' your lunch..get back to work' type of joint. The food was pretty tasty, but I wouldn't say it is anything most slightly seasoned vegans couldn't make at home. Very nice to discover while traveling, and a terrific place to take that meat loving friend/family/co-worker of yours. While there I was told everything is vegan and non-gmo..the menu said that it tries to use mainly organic items when available with no mention of anything being I'm not sure which it is..what they said or what the menu said. All in all it was a nice little spot in a town that seems more open to veganism than most.

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