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  • 4
  • Very good and expensive

I love this place, it's the best Indian one I visited here in Pattaya. They have asterisks in the menu that say "Jaine food is available on request" ("Jaine" is approximately Indian for "vegan", read wikipedia for more info) and you can always ask the waiter that you want all of your food "Jaine" and they'll recommend you what to order and you'll probably be sure that nothing contains milk/butter/cheese/eggs. In practically any other Indian place (outside India itself, I've never been there yet), you almost never can be sure about butter (some places I'd known used it for just everything, making them the most useless type of "vegetarian" places sometimes). One relatively bad thing is that there are not much of English words in the menu and not much pictures (check the pictures), but if you know thing or two about Indian food (like, know the difference between pulao and biryani :) ) you'll not get completely lost — they all at least are typed in latin script. I always eat yellow dahl and something with rice (like veg. pulao, or just plain rice and some veggies) and some naans, everything always was fresh and hot and am always satisfied. Service was quick too, staff was every friendly. Another bad thing is the prices. They really are expensive (guess it's the location). For example, plain rice costs 90 baht! (~$3, street price for plain rice is usually 10-20 baht, even in places with overpriced beer). The smallest naan costs 30 baht but you usually need two of them. I almost never left the place without paying, like 900-1400 baht for a modest dinner (two persons) and apart from the popular location they are not that fancy. So most of the times, I prefer Thai place instead (usually the one which is semi-J, while its location is worse, it's cheaper and feels better). On the other hand, location makes them easy to reach even if don't know anything about Pattaya, every taxi driver/guide/local can tell you where Royal Garden Plaza (or Ripley's) is. Recommend this place for those who just arrived and is very hungry while having no time to walk and search for other places (and still have money :) ).

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