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  • 5
  • Win-Win: Very Delicious and Very Healthful

The restaurant is clean, bright, and comfortable. The menu has a great selection of various vegan soups, salads, and sandwiches. The price point is very inexpensive considering the quality of the ingredients and the food. The service was prompt and timely. Now to the most important part: the food.... My dining companion and I shared a Creamy Cauliflower soup, Baked Falafel Salad, Cheesesteakless With Vge Sandwich, and Vge Burger Sandwich. All were delectable! It's hard to believe that nothing is fried because the baked falafel and vge burger were both moist with wonderful flavors and texture. We really loved all the items we ate. My (meat-eating) companion and I left the restaurant feeling full, satisfied, and thrilled to have found food that is extremely healthful and extremely delicious. We grabbed some cupcakes to-go and look forward to our next trip there!

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