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Daniel B.
  • 3
  • Support these vegans, but I hope they lighten up!

I visited Food Fight a few years back while on travel for work - you can imagine how excited I was to be able to spend a weekend in Portland, vegan mecca of the USA. I made sure that a trip to Food Fight was on my list of to-dos, since I'd shopped with them online a few times prior to that and was generally pleased with my orders. Overall, it was a cool store, bought a lot while I was there, but my one problem is this - ATTITUDE. Lots of it. The sort that just oozes out of every pore from the people who worked there as well as the few who were shopping there as well. You see, I have a job where I actually have to dress the part, suit and all, and apparently, looking like you have a corporate job is reason to be given the side-eye and looked at like you don't belong. Apparently, some vegans (in Portland, at least) seem to think that if you don't look the part, you don't deserve proper respect, which is simply a shame. Would I have been treated better if I'd been able to get back to my hotel and change into some thrift-store jeans and a tattered punk rock t-shirt before coming in? Probably. But, maybe they'll figure out one day (or, maybe they already have figured it out since this was a few years ago) that vegans come in all sizes/shapes/colors/occupations/religions/political leanings/etc. and shouldn't be looked down on just because they're not like yourself. Other than feeling like I was somehow offending them with my mere presence by not "fitting in" to how they do things in their neck of the woods, it's a cool little place and one I still order from online here and there, worthy of supporting.

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