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  • 5
  • Delicious, authentic, inexpensive, & plant-based

This small-but-mighty eatery is not to be missed. The mother-and-daughters operation serves highly flavorful Thai Buddhist cuisine that is authentically prepared and plant-based (I asked them to be sure, and they said no meat, eggs, or dairy products on the menu, but I did notice that their small shop in the front does sell a few packaged commercial items that contain dairy and eggs). There's good variety in the buffet, with the selection changing daily to keep things interesting. Usually there's at least one noodle dish, several faux-meat items, and a number of whole-veggie offerings (the latter making it a good choice for people who aren't into mock meats). There was even one vegetable I'd never encountered before in all my years eating in Thailand, which is always fun. I've sampled at least 30 different items here over the years and everything has been delicious. A plate of rice with a serving each of three different veggie items cost 50-75 Baht (a little more for the faux "fish," which was uncommonly good). They're happy to serve you either more or fewer than 3 items as well, with the price adjusted accordingly. (Note that all the faux-meat items cost extra.) Portion sizes tend to vary a bit depending on which person happens to be serving. It's open till 5pm daily, and fortunately the food in the heated area of the buffet table stays reasonably warm so even if you get there later in the day it should be passable (though it's best when fresh and piping hot, so early lunch is a great time to come). Note there are no drinks served (other than water), so i would often grab a fresh coconut elsewhere before coming for a meal. It's at 38/50 Nanai Road, which is about 300 steps south of the Sainamyen Road crossing, near Kelly's Hotel (but on the opposite side of the street). Look for the yellow banners. Updated from previous review on Sunday February 16, 2014 Updated from previous review on 2015-02-09

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