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  • 2
  • nightmare!

was there without a reservation on a busy day. Safes Veg was packed and I didn`t know where shall I wait for a table. While I was looking someone to ask, the woman (I think, the owner) showed me very rudely the bar, where I can wait. Though, it`s a busy day and could be that, she has lot`s of things to do. So I didn`t mind this rudeness. Then we had to sit a very ugly table -oh, believe me, it was so extremely ugly! Doesn`t match with the other stuffs in the room. Also, we had to share our table with other people. And asked, if we can change our table, if it`s later possible. She looked us angry and said "how we get such an idea, that it`s possible at all?" We shocked really, because of such a bad attitude. A few minutes later, she came again and said" hey, as you see there is a free table now!" Nightmare! I went there with a special person to show how vegan food can delicious.... At the end, we were scared to ask for the next drinks. As you can also find on Facebook, the owner is kind "famous" in vegan Berlin page. Unfortunately, I figured out too late. it´s really not a good idea to go there. I love to support eating good vegan food and support vegan stores. but this place is a nightmare!

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