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  • 5
  • Most helpful Health food Store!

Rebecca's is not only the most attractive health food store I've seen--it has a fantastic selection of both well-known brands and new, smaller CLEAN GREEN companies. The supplement staff is amazing. The manager, Brandon (Female) has been there for something like 11 years, has a Masters in Education and really knows all about the supplements for both people and pets. Susan, the Nutritional Consultant has been there over 18 years and is a walking encyclopedia of supplement knowledge. All of the vitamin staff are helpful! Bill, the Grocery Manager has been there over 5 years and is so helpful and nice--he's built up fantastic gluten free and raw foods sections. Even the cashiers are often long-timers and friendly. I love that there's a place where the staff really cares, recognizes familiar customers, goes out of their way to special order products if needed and has products that I don't see in any of the other Cville stores. Check it out!

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