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  • 5
  • Best co-op in town!

People's is a model co-op-- they really take advantage of the space they have. Their produce is primarily local and thus usually priced well. (You can even check out their weekly specials online.) Their bulk section is *amazing*! From the standard dry goods, to vinegars and oils, to herbs and spices, to miso and hemp seed in the fridge, they have most things covered. A small section of the store is dedicated to packaged raw foods, and they carry a nice selection of organic beer and wine. Every Wednesday they host an all-organic Farmer's Market (even in the Winter). People's is the place to go when you need food, and can't handle the crowds or florescent lights of other stores. I've left many times feeling better than when I went in. They're open until 10 pm every night, and are open on most holidays (when even major grocery chains are closed.) Check out the beautiful cob architecture when you go, it definitely adds to the calming vibes.

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