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  • 5
  • Great Food - 100% Vegan

This hot recommendation resulted in a nice happycow-ambassador meeting sharing one starter and two meals. We had the Jalapeno-"Käse"Krapfen, the seitan roast and the "Käse"-Spätzle. Accompanied with tap Rothaus-beer. Perfect combination, great people here & a very friendly dog. One comment on excluding people: "No entry with fur or fake fur." In the decade of the Arctic Parka an understandable rule - personally, I have a huge problem being confronted with fur all the time, and right now we do see more fur on the streets as several years ago. But I am not so sure about excluding people completely and thus losing the chance of discussing matters. Besides that - where do you draw the line? Fur is not ok but a leather jacket? Belt? Shoes? Omnivores? Vegetarians? People driving non-vegan cars? IMHO this attitude is intolerant - please avoid building concepts of enemies...

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