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  • 3
  • Hit and miss

Half of my experiences at the Co-op suck. Most of the time the deli employees treat me like I'm either A) a magician who specializes in invisibility without knowing it or B)a real painful zit on their behind and they can't wait until I leave. I've seriously experienced employees looking at me from the hall behind the deli (and no one out at the cases to help the customers) then meander out into the deli area and take their sweetest of time until they ask me if I want anything. It was like I was in the Twilight Zone, it was nuts. I swear I've never mooned these people, insulted their singing, or smelled really bad in their presence so I just don't get it. Stuff here can be ridiculously expensive. People always say "packaged food is more expensive than buying the ingredients and tossing it together yourself" which, yes, is true about most things but I am pretty certain that I was charged nearly $3. For a tomato. In the summer. Don't even get me started on trying to buy a bell pepper in this place. You'd have to win the lottery if you planned on making stuffed peppers for dinner for the family if the Co-op was the only place you could go. What do I like? Some of the cashiers make me so happy that I go through their lines on purpose. They're that nice! Apparently I'm not so nice because I can't remember their names right now, haha. Buying in bulk here helps a lot. They sell bulk apple cider vinegar and Dr. Bronners soap which are bulk section treats. They have a great variety of herbs and spices for teas, medicine, and tastiness. They sell my Rudi's spelt bread here for a fair price.

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