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  • 5
  • Mondragon: A Diamond in Winnipeg's Rough

Mondragon remains my favourite establishment in Winnipeg. I think they could do with some good top-down management to address issues concerning beggers approaching patrons and the reliability of supplies, but perhaps these features are inherent to the feel-good collective model. Mondragon hosts alternative events and showcases up-and-coming local artists. Their vegan food is delicious and superb (when they have the ingredients in stock). Wash down a veggie burger with an ice-cold local brew. But, while you're wallowing in vegan nirvana, please be sure to hide any valuables in your vehicle from sight, as crime is rampant in central Winnipeg. Mondragon is always an incomparable experience, and not to be missed on any excursion to this frozen shithole of a city.

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