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  • 5
  • Great Basin: a vegan oasis

This co-op is a "must-visit" shop for vegans in Reno. The downstairs is where the food and beverages are; upstairs you can find vitamins, natural toiletries, etc. I have never seen fresh goji berries before -- this co-op had them boxed in their (small but adequate) produce section. So cool!! They also have a large refrigerated section with plenty of vegan prepared foods products like non-dairy milks and yogurts, Field Roast veg meats, Just Mayo, etc. Near the cash register they have coffee, breakfast sandwiches, alcohol, and (non-vegan) pastries. They have a huge variety of foods and products, but because it's a small business not many of each kind. The best part about this co-op, however, is the community feel. The people who work here 1) obviously enjoy it 2) have pride for where they work and 3) clearly know their customers -- many were chatting and calling each other by name. Why wouldn't you want to support a business like this?

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