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Why do you attack Roxette? Every restaurant here at Happy cow have many reviews. You read several of them and make up your mind, not after just Roxette's review, but after your conclusions after reading maybe 5 - 10 reviews. Every one understands that people have different taste and some people like Roxette and me might be "picky and spoiled" but if there are many other good reviews, people will disregard our reviews since we are just the spoiled picky ignorant people. I did like your restaurant but I was disappointed about the dishes for lunch today. I really felt that I was back in school eating spaghetti with ratatouille and at a children party eating some sweet unhealthy cake. Maybe it is because if come from Scandinavia but we would never go to a restaurant to eat Spaghetti. Pasta, yes, but not thick white soft worms (what we used to joke about in school). A la dente might be a concept you should introduce, to avoid giving the feeling that you are eating in a canteen.

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