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I felt the need to comment on this post. Respectfully, I would have to disagree with the post's main points. First of all, veganism is much more than just a trend or a cult. If you were to read anything by a researcher who wrote The China Study, at Cornell University who teaches a whole food plant-based course T Colin Campbell, Dr. Neil Bernard, Dr. Micheal Greger, Dr. Klaper, Dr. Dean Ornish, and the Heart Reversal Doctor Caldwell Esselstyn who has many devoted SAD dropouts, meaning the Standard American Diet, you might start to understand why these foods might seem not salty enough, or oily enough. Being vegan is many different things to many different people. I think it is nice to see a restaurant that is more whole food plant-based and understands and wants to help educate their diners as to why they prepare these wonderful menu options. It is nice to have a place where people who are on a whole food plant-based diet can go and not just be relegated to a salad and some boring pasta primavera option cooked with dairy and cheese. I mean they are a specialized place. There is nothing wrong with that. They fill a need and do it well.

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