Browsing Tag:

travel tips

Dining/ Restaurants/ Travel/ Veganism

Just a Pack’s Vegan Travel Tips for Andalucia


Having come from Barcelona, a veritable vegan heaven, Andalucia was a bit of a culinary desert for a traveling herbivore. It’s a region in Spain well known for tapas (small plates of food) which mainly consist of pork, beef, eggs, or some other animal based product. No need to skip Andalucia though. With a bit of research and planning you won’t starve. Plus there’s always Sangria…which does have fruit in…

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HappyCow Site/ Health/ Restaurants/ Travel/ Veganism

HappyCow 101: How to Eat Veg While Traveling

So you’ve decided you want to take a trip. You have the time off and you are dreaming of the beach or a historic city. If you are vegan most likely your vacation is going to revolve around food because you are a foodie or you would like to not starve while on holiday. Traveling and eating vegan is not an easy feat. But with a little planning and the use…

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