Browsing Tag:

Labor Day

Cooking/ Recipes

Vegan Grill Recipes

Vegan Grill Recipes

Planning on throwing or going to a BBQ? We’ve got some awesome vegan recipes for grill party staples—burgers, salads, even a refreshing watermelonade! Let your friends and family try these fab dishes and show them how easy (and delicious) vegan food can be! 1. Key Lime Cheesecake 2. Jackfruit Pulled Pork 3. Quinoa Fruit Salad 4. Watermelonade 5. Easy Pasta Salad 6. Creamy Potato Salad 7. Carrot Dogs 8. Grilled…

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Cooking/ Recipes/ Veganism

BBQ&A: How To Vegan Up A Barbecue

vegan bbq

The dog days of August are almost behind us and, as much we don’t want to think about it, summer is coming to an end. Labor Day is coming up, and soon boats and lawn furniture will start to be stored away. However, there’s still time for outdoor cooking (and, of course, many more months depending on where you live). Being vegan and hosting or attending barbecues doesn’t mean you have…

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